The foundations need to be built through a wide array of literacy options: digital, media, biological, social sciences, environmental, governmental, and language arts. From these foundational understandings, we can shift into viewing the “big picture” and make informed decisions about the issues and events that impact our everyday lives. I guess what I am trying to say is that being literate today means that individuals, schools, communities, and organizations need to work together to provide a strong foundation of words and meanings. What is common across these definitions is how fake news appropriates the look and feel of real news from how websites look to how articles are written to how photos include attributions.” Defining “Fake” News Types of definition: (1) news satire, (2) news parody, (3) fabrication, (4) manipulation, (5) advertising, and (6) propaganda. “A review of previous studies that have used the term fake news reveals six Even the term, “fake news,” is a broad category that contains different levels of understanding, and it is important to critically examine what we are reading and seeing on all types of media. The proliferation of “fake news,” “misinformation,” and “disinformation” add layers of difficulty to these efforts. It becomes challenging to sift our way through the detritus and find the nuggets of truth. There are many different types of media that we are exposed to on a daily basis. They also explore how these words interact together to form a larger picture of overall health for their bodies and for their communities. In my Biology classes over the last few years, these are the types of words students learn along with the meanings behind them.

For example, when the Covid arrived, people were inundated with words like “virus,” “variant,” “mutations,” “antibodies,” and “RNA.” In order to understand how viruses work, we needed to strengthen our scientific literacies to understand the impacts of how our bodies function and how viruses work. It goes even wider than that when we think about developing the ability to understand the events and issues that impact our daily lives. With these words, we develop the ability to communicate, listen, and be understood. To me, a crucial part of being literate means learning the language that allows us to comfortably access and wander the landscape.

Each word that we learn opens up fresh lands for our feet to wander. As we move our way through our grade school years, we are exposed to new words, meanings, and applications. With each word that we learn as children, we fill with excitement and babble away to our parents and friends. We were asked the question, “What does it mean to be literate today?” My first thoughts went to how we struggle from childhood to develop the ability to communicate – to be heard and understood by others.

Left Photo by Lynda Hinton on Unsplash Right Photo by saeed karimi on Unsplash

I knew that at the very least I would be able to make the basic request and get some help! After I gained this knowledge, I was able to transfer what I had learned into new areas – “Donde” = “Where” = “Donde agua?” = “Where water?” (Bottled water was a secondary critical need while basking in the hot sun.) Being understood by others even with the small pieces of literacy that I held meant that I was able to navigate my way around a “strange land” with a portion of confidence. “Dónde está el baño?” These words became critically important to me during my recent journey to Cuba.